Saturday, December 8, 2012

Class Bubble Map: Color Wheel of Discus Thrower- Third Grade

After talking about Greek sculpture and looking closely at The Discus Thrower, students in third grade were given a Discus Thrower image.  They had to cut it out and trace it six times on additional paper.  We reviewed the color wheel and how to mix paint colors effectively.  They then painted one Discus Thrower figure red, one blue and one yellow.  They then mixed the red and blue to paint one purple, blue and yellow to paint one green, and yellow and red to paint one orange.  After the figures were dry, they cut all six out and glued them to a class Bubble Map of the color wheel.  In hind sight, this was a lot of cutting.  The process took a long time.  It still turned out pretty neat and it will be a great reference for the art room.

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