Friday, January 4, 2013

Kandinsky Mural- Third through Fifth Grade

Students in third through fifth grade were shown images of Wassily Kandinsky's work.  They were each given a piece of construction paper to fold into six even sections and then unfold again so that the creases show (Step 1).

Step 1                     Step 2
I then passed out an array of construction paper colors that I cut into rectangles to parcel out to each table group (Step 2).

Step 3   Step 4

 The first step was to glue a different color rectangle in each of the six sections of the larger piece.  Each student took one small paper rectangle, folded it in half the long way and ripped a semi circle out starting at the fold (Step 3 and 4).

Step 5   Step 6

 We then kept ripping circles from the ripped circles making them smaller and smaller (Step 5 and 6).

Step 7Step 8

Step 9

  Over each different rectangle color, we glued layers of ripped rings from large to small.  The last step was to add scribbled lines to a select number of the rings using different colors of oil pastels (Step 7, 8 and 9).

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