Sunday, April 6, 2014

Jungle Landscape- Kindergarten

The objective of this lesson was to identify and name spatial relationships in a work of art.  This lesson was great for that!  We successfully identified the top, bottom, right, left middle/center of the paper.  We also discussed overlapping shapes to create space in a work of art.  Students were introduced to the idea of foreground, middle ground and background.  

This was the first time I had used the shaving cream technique to marble paper with and it was loads of fun!  I got the idea to do this with my Kindergarten class from this website:
Although I only had brown and orange to use, and some of the "tigers" look more brown than marbled, the kids absolutely loved the marbling process and the lesson overall.  We were sure to talk about the real colors on a tiger by looking at tiger pictures.  

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