Sunday, February 9, 2014

Winter Landscape: Looking at Value and Space- Third Grade

This winter, the third graders focused a lot on winter landscapes in art.  We discussed space in a landscape and how things appear smaller the further away they are.  Also, the value of snow may become lighter in the background than in the foreground.  

When doing the art project, students divided their paper into three parts (foreground, middle ground and background).  They then painted the foreground using blue by itself and the middle ground with blue mixed with white paint.  Lastly, they painted the background white.  When the paper was dry, they cut it out and glued it to a piece of construction paper.  Falling snow was added with oil pastels and a tree was added to the foreground, middle ground and background.

This project was inspired by a project posted on
I had to make several adaptions to fit a more limited time frame.

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